Rabu, 31 Maret 2010


Invitations for Bids

IFB No: BSSD.(Proc)/320/IT-Equip)/2010

  1. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) intends to replace its obsolete information technology hardware equipment through acquisition of most modern equipment of international standing to be supplied and installed States Bank of Pakistan and its subsidiaries.
  2. State Bank of Pakistan now invites sealed bids from tax registered eligible Bidders for " supply, installation, Integration, and Maintenace of Information Technology Equipment".
Package Description Quantity
I Desktop PCs : Desktop PCs Type (A) 50
Desktop PCs Type (B) 114
II Laptops 67
III Laser Printers : Desktop Laser Jet Printers 13
Network Laser Jet Printers 09
Colour Laser Jet Printers 08
IIV Dot Matrix Printers : Dot Matrix Printers 136 col 01

Package Description Quantity
Desktop PCs : Desktop PCs Type (B) 857
II Laptops 107
III Laser Printers : Desktop Laser Jet Printers 144
Network Laser Jet Printers 64
Dot Matrix Printers : Dot Matrix Printers 136 col 61
Dot Matrix Printers 80 col 49

  • Interested eligible biddersmay purchase the bidding documents on the submissions of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of pak Rs. 1000 only through bank draft/call deposit , from the address given below from 9am to 5 pm after publication of IFB till closing thereof. If the bidding documents are requested by post courier then non-refundable fee of pak Rs. 1500 will be charge. IFB is also uploaded for display on the websites http://www.ppra.org.pk; and http://www.sbp.org.pk
  • Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Monday, April 12, 2010 at 3 pm. Bids will be opened in the precence of bidders' reppresentatives who choose to attend at 3.30 pm on sameday at the Learning Resource Centre, State Bank of Pakistan , Karachi.
Rehan Hyder
Co-Director, BSSD
State Bank of Pakistan
10th Floor II Chundrigar Road, Karachi-Pakistan
Telephone No: 92-21-3245-9/5909 Facsimile : 92-21-99212517
rehan hyder@sbp.org.pk

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010


In the unstable conditions that affect the company faces competition in the business world to get the optimum benefit. This is a challengefor companies to survivein these economic conditions. To maintain continuity of the company must be effcient and effective so that companies can increase productivity and can result in benefit as optimal as possible. These scientific writing howto combination product contains a maximum of commerce business " Sedap Kue " for optimal profit.
The purpose of this scientific writing to know how to get a big gains for three differences of products producesby using one of the Linear programming method of simplex method
Data in scientific writing is obtained through interviews with company owner and observes firs how to make s the product creationprocess.


Office address
Head Office
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 1A, Jakarta 10110
Phone : ( 021 ) 3815111, 3816111 ( 86 lines )
Fax : ( 021 ) 3633585, 3843882
Telex : 44152, 44302, 46549, 46552, 46554

Company's History

PERTAMINA is State Owned oil and gas company ( National Oil Company ), established on December 10,1957 under the name PT PERMINA, in 1961 the company changed its name to PN PERMINA and after the merger with PN PERTAMIN in 1968 it became PN PERTAMINA, with the enactment of Law 8 of 1971 the company became PERTAMINA. This name persisted until after PERTAMINA changed its legal status to PT PERTAMINA ( PERSERO ) on October 9, 2003.
PT PERTAMINA ( PERSERO ) was established under National Deed of Lanny Janis Ishak, SH No. 20 of September 17, 2003, and ratified by rhe Minister of Law and Human Rights under Decision No. C-24026 HT. 01. 01 on October 9, 2003. The above proceeded in accordance with the provisions set forth in Law No. 1 of 1995 relating to Limited Liability Companies, Government Regulation No. 12 of 1998 relating to Public Companies ( persero ), and Government Regulation No. 45 of 2001 relating to Amandement to Government Regulation No. 2 of 1998.
Consistent with its deed of establishment, the objective of the PERSERO is to engage in oil and ggas exploitation, domestically and overseas, as well as in other exploitation associated withor supporting oil anf gas operations.

Vision and Mision

To be a world class national oil company

To carry out business in oil gas, and biofuel on sound commercial principles.

Senin, 04 Januari 2010


Mengenali gaya belajar merupakan salah satu cara agar belajar dalam menghadapi ujian berjalan dengan sukses. Tips lainnya agar proses belajar sukses :

  • Menjaga kondisi fisik. Dengan mengkonsumsi makanan bergizi dan menjaga tubuh agar selalu sehat. Jangan melakukan aktivitas yang banyak menguras energi sesaat dan sebelum belajar agar tidak lelah dan mengantuk saat belajar,
  • Pilihlah tempat belajar yang nyaman. Usahakan pilihlah ditempat yang sejuk dengan cahaya yang cukup serta terdapat sirkulasi udara yang segar,
  • Tenangkan hati dan emosi. Tidak ada gunanya belajar jika sedang gelisah, karena apapun yang akan dipelajari tidak akan terserap dengan baik oleh otak,
  • Istirahat yang cukup. Jika merasa suntuk, jangan dipaksakan untuk belajar. Istirahatlah beberapa menit kemudian lanjutkan lagi.

Selamat Mencoba. . . .


Sebelumnya pasti kita pernah dengar kata " perlakukan orang lain seperti kamu ingin diperlakukan ? ". Kalimat ini benar sekali, karena semua orang pasti ingin diperlakukan dengan baik, maka kita juga harus bersikap baik terhadap orang lain. Etiket membantu kita untuk bisa diterima dan eksis dalam pergaulan.

Things To Do :
  • Berkata jujur
Karena orang yang berkata jujur memiliki banyak teman. Sedangkan orang yang berbicara bohong akan dicap sebagai pembohong dan merasa tidak nyaman jika berada didekatnya.
  • Senyum
Senyum adalah ibadah, dengan senyum dapat membuat perasaan kita menjadi lebih baik.
  • Say 3 Words
Kata maaf, tolong dan terimakasih itu penting sekali diucapkan sebagai tanda hormat dan menghargai orang lain.
  • Tidak Memotong Pembicaraan Orang Lain
Sikap ini tidak sopan, karena kita bisa dianggap tidak menghargai orang lain dan menyinggung peasaan orang lain.